Earth facing danger from a skyscraper-sized asteroid! Close approach today


A monstrous 420-foot asteroid could make a close approach to Earth as soon as today, NASA has revealed.

Astronomers have been keeping a close eye on asteroids that pass near Earth, as these space rocks have the potential to be dangerous to Earth. In recent years, there have been several close calls with asteroids that have passed close to our planet. However, due to the early detection and monitoring of these asteroids by various space agencies around the world, scientists have been able to determine that they pose no threat to Earth. NASA has now warned that another asteroid is on its way towards Earth today. Check out the asteroid details here.

Asteroid 2012 BV13 details

NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office has issued an alert against an asteroid named Asteroid 2012 BV13. What’s shocking is this asteroid is nearly 420 feet wide, which is the size of a skyscraper! The asteroid is expected to fly past Earth closely today, January 16, at a distance of just 4.6 million kilometers. The asteroid is already on its way towards Earth, travelling at a staggering speed of 24042 kilometers per hour.

According to, Asteroid 2012 BV13 was discovered more than a decade ago on 19 January 2012 and belongs to the Aten group of asteroids. This asteroid takes just 335 days to complete one trip around the Sun during which its maximum distance from the Sun is 155 million kilometers and nearest distance is 127 million kilometers.

Scientists study asteroids to learn more about the early solar system and the conditions that existed when the planets were forming. Asteroids can also provide valuable resources such as water, metals, and other minerals. One such discovery was made by studying an asteroid.

Until now, it was believed that water was already present on Earth from earliest times. However, a recent study has made an astonishing discovery that puts this very thought into doubt. The study has revealed that water may have originated on asteroids.

The study was conducted after collecting samples from an asteroid called Ryugu by the Japanese Hayabusa-2 space probe during a 6-year space mission.


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