Is there a link between asthma and oral health problems?

Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition affecting millions of individuals worldwide, is primarily known for its impact…

Is switching to an electric toothbrush better oral health? Try these 5 options

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for a healthy smile and overall well-being. One of the…

World Oral Health Day: 5 ways in which drinking water can improve your dental health

Water is one of the most basic necessities of life. Your body needs water for practically…

6 ways in which your oral health affects your quality of life

Are you experiencing bad breath and are conscious about opening your mouth too much or talking…

7 tips for stronger and healthy gums

“The greatest buildings are one’s with the strongest foundation.” Similarly, the healthiest teeth are the ones…

Toothache Day: Top 5 types of toothache and how to manage it

Taking care of our health is a top priority, but sometimes in our pursuit of physical…

Poor sleep can affect your oral health! 5 dental issues that you may suffer

We all have nights when we don’t sleep. But if it is happening on a daily…

Dental health and mental health: Know how one affects the other

Remember the last time you felt embarrassed about your dental hygiene and how it triggered social…

Do your teeth hurt during winter? Follow these 7 expert tips to prevent it

The cold weather not also dries out your skin, but it can also increase your risk…